Saturday, January 26, 2008

Question #4, January 26 Ancient Near Eastern

Compare the sculpture of Tell Asmar with the sculpture of Egypt.


Shiz - Artist said...
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Shiz - Artist said...

Tell Asmar figures where created using processed gypsum. They heating at about 300°F. It created a plaster (Plaster of Paris), which mixed with water. This substance is what they used to mold or Sculpt. This differed from Egyptian sculptures because the Egyptians chiseled into stone for their sculptures.

othispunk said...

The Tell Asmar sculpture hoard is a collection of 12 human effigy statues
found at a Mesopotamian site of tell asmar,
The statues average about 42 centimeters in height.
were modeled out of processed gypsum (calcium sulphate)
and Egyptian sculptures were mainly of gods goddesses and pharaohs

KingKennethTheThird said...

The Tel Asmar statues are realistic and proportionate as the egyptian statues were as well. The only thing is that the Tel Asmar statues have big black eyes and the egyptian statues are more proportionate.

Rigeaud Elizee said...

Tell Asmar sculptures are thought to be a way of comunicating with the gods, unlike the Egyptian sculptures which were made to record history and honor the pharos.