Friday, March 7, 2008

Week 10 Blog: Question 4, Romanesque Art

Discuss the Bayeux Tapestry. What story is being told and from whose point of view? How does the story reflect Romanesque values? Describe the style of drawing and the colors used.


Juicebox Spider said...

The Bayeux Tapestry depicts the battle of Hastings, following Harold, Earl of Wessex. It is actually an embroidery, as it was stitched and not woven into woollen yarns on linen. The original tapestry is on display in Bayeux in Normandy, France. However, a replica of it was made in 1885, so Enlgland could have a copy of its own. It is over 70 metres long, and the replica now resides in Reading, England.

Each scene from the tapestry can be viewed at this site with an explination of each panel:

ZElder said...

The Bayeux Tapestry is a 20 in by 230 ft embroidered cloth which explains the events leading up to the 1066 Norman invasion of England as well as the the invasion itself. The Tapestry has latin writing on it. It is referred to as a "tapestry," although it is not a true tapestry because the design is woven into the cloth. The main yarn colours are terracotta or russet, blue-green, dull gold, olive green, and blue, with small amounts of dark blue or black and sage green. Later repairs are worked in light yellow, orange, and light greens.

visionthex said...

The Bayeux Tapestry is a cloth witch explains the events that have lead to the invasion of England. The woven woolen yarn is on linen. The original tapestry is some out of the urdanoary. The colors on te woven cloth blue-green, gold and olive green. This art work is nothing but awsome to look at because i love art work from the past it always different then what people make today.