Saturday, January 19, 2008

Question #4, January 19 Egyptian

How and why did the art style change under the rule of Akhennaten?


Shiz - Artist said...

During Akhenaten's rule, he tried to change the way Egyptians looked at images. He when away from the traditional view of work more towardsa realistic view of people and how they were portrayed.

"The Art of the Amarna"
by Megaera Lorenz


KingKennethTheThird said...

Akhenaten portrayed himself as human and not as godlike. this caused alot of contreversy amongst the people but he wanted to portray the people as they were. Bek was Akhenatens artist and sculptor. Akhenaten was portrayed in the art as family oriented and had vast art of the environment depicted in the work also and it showed that the nile once had large crops and animals present at that time.


Rigeaud Elizee said...

I believe Akhennaten knew that humans can not be god, and he wanted to break those belifes in ever area of the Egyptian culture. Chaging the sharp egdes to curves and giving the images a less perfect look made the Egyptian see that humans are not perfect thus can not be gods.

Knifey Utensil said...

Akhenaten probably saw that humans were imperfect, and not god-like and thus may have wanted to portray people more realistically.

annnnd 10 more points for Ravenclaw.